Tuesday, September 20, 2011

What Is The French Fashion Concept

The development of peerless French culture diversity makes prologue of the French designer, fashion and more open. Most amounted brand in France is lofty quality, color design, exquisite linens and workmanship. In the French market, quality, cost percentage is most important to buyers, the abatement is quite important to fit. Garment creation and processing manufacture no longer exists in Paris, in the lusty cultural backdrop, creativity and create newer products is the accent of the French designer. Men pay attention to the beauty of Paris is health and health, fashion is just shell, the conscience is the most important.

Lastly, Advocates as the atmosphere, the French taste is such a thing: Even if you've ever been to France, it is wherever you are, whether you look at something by is not look by it more practical, yet along how pretty it is, how differ.

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French Fashion Institute and HEC Paris Business School said namely understand the connotations of dressing namely the maximum momentous form, fashion namely an attitude, a agreeable medley of color matching, production diversity reflects the inherent taste and cultivation. In counting apt the French fashion, the melody, drama, membrane is representative of the Paris mores, rich cultural is the air of Paris's most prominent trait.

Then, whether the "American Dream" is a self-made myth to encourage everyone, "French dream" is a person "began" the hereafter, how to learn to really live the story of Art. Too much has bring ... to an end several hundred years ago the French elegance mark reinforces this emotion. Cartier, Chanel, Louis and numerous street cafes are molded into the French art of alive the world's most understand the nation. Let us feel cared about France, fell in love with France, and even of France, is to make life truly a access of life. When the fashion attitude towards life and really convert a way of life and into the most ordinary life, this is the highest level of fashion.

The fashion is just shell, the soul is the most important in French. Garment production and processing industry no longer exists in Paris, creativity and create newer products is the emphasis of the French designer. It's very important that understand how to wear.

Firstly, France is the merely an connate in this globe 24 hours a fashion show and fashion figure of the TV interview. No explanation, no host, only 24 hours in never-ending, never lonely T-Taiwan emergency. France's reach is different with additional countries; it was more favor an aesthetic river, slowly but dedication to exist. Compared to the pragmatism of the United States, France, the people morale is more possible to occasion you long-lasting passion.

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